10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation!

Breast augmentation is one of the most common and popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the country. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 307,000 women had breast implants placed in 2011. Of course, all of these surgical cases were different and the women chose the procedure for a variety of reasons. However, most breast augmentation patients choose implants for at least one of the following reasons:

1. They want to boost their self-esteem

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsWomen who are dissatisfied with their appearance often experience a huge increase in confidence following breast augmentation surgery. Cynthia Figueroa-Haas, a researcher at the University of Florida, conducted a comprehensive survey of 84 breast augmentation patients between the ages of 21 and 57. The results conclusively demonstrated that women experience a marked increase in self-confidence following the procedure. Patients’ self-confidence rose from 20.7 to 24.9 on the Rosenberg scale.

2. They have disproportionately small breasts

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsMicromastia is a medical condition in which a woman’s breasts do not fully develop after puberty. There is no absolute definition of micromastia because breast size varies widely; rather, it is indicated by comparison to average breasts sizes and women’s self-perception. Women who suffer from micromastia often experience intense embarrassment about their figures. Breast implants can give such women a fuller figure and greater confidence.

3. One breast is larger than the other

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsMany women have asymmetrical breasts as a result of micromastia, uneven estrogen levels, growth spurts during puberty, and other factors. While this condition is not uncommon, it can have an enormous impact on a woman’s appearance. Many women choose to undergo breast augmentation to even out their figures. 

4. They have recently lost weight

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsFollowing significant weight loss, women find that their breasts have lost their full, perky shape. Breast augmentation gives them a fuller chest while they retain their smaller waistline and healthy weight.

5. Their breasts changed shape following pregnancy

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsLosing baby weight is a good thing for most women, but some mothers find that after pregnancy and nursing, their breasts droop or get smaller. With breast implants, they can restore their pre-baby body. It is important to note that if they do become pregnant again, breast implants will not impact the health of their baby or their ability to nurse.

6. They have had a mastectomy

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsWomen who have a mastectomy because of breast cancer or another serious health condition often long to regain their full and healthy figure. Breast reconstruction is a more involved procedure than simple augmentation. While it does include the placement of an implant, it also includes skin grafting and the construction of a nipple and areola.

7. They want to boost their sex life

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsAccording to a study by Brazilian cosmetic surgeon Paulo Guimaros, women who receive breast implants typically experience higher levels of sexual arousal and satisfaction. His study focused on 45 women before and after their surgery. Following the procedure, 36 of the women said they noticed a significant increase in their sexual well-being.

 8. They want to look younger
10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsAs they age, many women notice that their breasts begin to sag and get smaller. Breast augmentation, especially in conjunction with a breast lift, can restore a youthful, perky look to their figures.

9. Their clothes will fit better

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsMost women’s clothes are designed for a size C cup. By itself, better fashion may not be a good reason to choose breast implants, but when combined with other factors, it can help to improve a woman’s quality of life.

10. They are confident about their decision

10 Common Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Augmentation! | denefitsChoosing breast augmentation is a highly personal decision, and it should never be undertaken lightly. Women should never choose breast implants to please someone else or to meet another person’s expectations. However, for women who carefully think through their decision, breast augmentation can have a huge and positive impact on their lives. 
If you are considering breast augmentation for these or other reasons, contact an experienced plastic surgeon in your area. Use the Denefits’ network to find an experienced doctor near you.

5 Plastic Surgery Tips To Make Sure You Don't End Up On Botched

For millennials like me, plastic surgery is no longer a taboo subject. We openly talk about repairing, improving and enhancing our bodies through surgery, and for most of us, the decision to get something nipped or tucked is a personal choice that isn't judged too harshly. Many of my friends have undergone successful breast augmentations, rhinoplasties, vaginal rejuvenations and smaller cosmetic procedures like the injection of Botox or fillers. It's not surprising to me that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that 15.6 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2014, a three percent increase from 2013.
5 plastic surgery tips to make sure you don't end up on Botched | Denefits
If you're considering getting plastic surgery, don't go to just any surgeon! Here are five tips for finding a plastic surgeon that will deliver the results you want without risking your health.

1. Make sure the surgeon is board-certified

It's a little-known fact that any physician with a medical license, without training, can legally perform cosmetic surgeries. This means a gynecologist or pediatrician could legally perform a cosmetic surgery! The first step in finding a great plastic surgeon is to make sure he or she is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. There are plenty of other organizations that offer certifications, so don't be fooled if a surgeon claims he is certified by another board.
Enter the information of the surgeon into the American Board of Plastic Surgery's online verification form to make sure he or she is certified.
2. Be aware of common red flags
Generally, beware of surgeons who offer to perform multiple surgeries at once or who try to upsell you into getting additional surgeries or who use negative language about your body during a consultation. A reputable surgeon will maintain a professional manner during your consultation. If you feel disrespected or pressured to have procedures you didn't inquire about, leave.
3. Research the surgeon's board record
Even board-certified plastic surgeons can be terrible at their job, so make sure you research the surgeon's record to learn about any past or current complaints or malpractice lawsuits. You can usually get this information by contacting your state medical board.
If a surgeon you are considering has a lawsuit on his or her record, keep in mind that this doesn't necessarily mean that the claim was legitimate. It might be a good idea to talk to the doctor about the claim and get more details — plastic surgery can be emotional for patients, and sometimes claims are raised unfairly.
4. Come prepared with the right questions
When you go to your consultation, there are some questions you should ask to get a better idea of the skill level and experience of the surgeon you are considering for your procedure. If the surgeon seems flustered or irritated by these questions, it's probably better to play it safe and choose another doctor.
I recommends that before choosing a surgeon you always ask, at the bare minimum, how many times the surgeon has performed your procedure, who will be assisting with your procedure and where your surgery be performed.
These types of questions will give you a better idea of if the surgeon actually specializes in the procedure you want, who else will be involved in your surgery who you might also want to check the credentials of before proceeding, and if it will be possible to get emergency care if you should need it during your surgery.

5. Ask for recommendations

While it's necessary to check up on a surgeon's credentials, history and reputation, asking friends who have had successful procedures for a recommendation can also be a great way to find a plastic surgeon. Everyone has different preferences, so if you like the work a surgeon has done on a friend or relative, you will be more likely to like your results if you visit that doctor as well. Also look at before-and-after photos to find an example of your ideal procedure outcome.
Always remember that your body is unique, and a procedure that looks amazing on a friend or in a before-and-after photo might not translate as well on your body. A great surgeon will give you a realistic assessment of what he or she can do and, more importantly, what he or she can't do.
One of the great things about the growing acceptance of plastic surgery is that it increases the chances of having an honest conversation about the risks that can be associated with such procedures if they are performed by an unskilled or *shudder* unlicensed surgeon. Shows like Botched, which depict disfiguring, self-esteem shattering plastic surgery mistakes, have made us very aware that finding a certified, experienced plastic surgeon is important if we choose to go under the knife. If you're looking for a reputable plastic surgeon, make sure to consider these five tips for finding a doctor that will make sure you stay safe and healthy during your procedure.

Diet & Exercise After Liposuction

Liposuction is an invasive procedure and your recovery will depend on the amount and type of liposuction you have, as well as the area that is treated, according to the Liposuction Cosmetic Surgery Procedure website. As with any surgery, you should follow your doctor’s advice on post-operative care and rehabilitation; however, it is generally important to eat well and start moving soon after surgery to help ensure long-term benefits and promote blood flow in order to reduce the risk of clots and infection.

About Liposuction

About Liposuction | Diet & Exercise After Liposuction | Denefits Patient Financing

This procedure uses suction to remove fat from under the skin’s surface, and can be done with either general or local anesthetic, reports Liposuction.com. Local anesthesia is generally considered the better option because heavy sedation through general anesthetic can be dangerous, takes longer to recover from and must be administered by an anaesthesiologist.

Post-operative Exercise

Post-operative Exercise | Diet & Exercise After Liposuction | Denefits Patient Financing

Take it easy for at least a couple of days immediately after surgery and avoid intense activity for up to one month. However, depending on where the treated area is, you might be able to take a short, gentle walks soon after to encourage circulation. Resume exercise at about one-quarter of your normal intensity and duration, and gradually build up from there as your strength returns and the discomfort decreases.

Post-operative Diet

Post-operative Diet | Diet & Exercise After Liposuction | Denefits Patient Financing

While adults have a fixed number of fat cells and liposuction permanently removes some of these, the remaining fat cells can grow bigger and still cause weight gain, reports the Smart liposuction website. For this reason, liposuction should be used as one part of the process to achieve your desired body shape rather than as a way to instantly lose weight, reports Lipo.com. You are more likely to maintain the benefits of this surgery in the long term if you follow a healthful, balanced diet after you undergo the procedure. Protein is particularly important for the healing process, as is lowering your salt intake to reduce swelling, according to Smartplasticsurgery.com.


Alcohol | Diet & Exercise After Liposuction | Denefits Patient Financing

To drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before and after Liposuction surgery, according to the website. Fluid retention won't mix with any post-operative medication you are on and generally slows the healing process. It is strongly advised that you give up smoking for a reasonable period before and after surgery because it affects the blood vessels and can cause complications that delay your recovery.


Precautions | Diet & Exercise After Liposuction | Denefits Patient Financing

It is normal for the treated area to feel tender, uncomfortable and even mildly painful for several days after liposuction. The treated area will also be red and raised immediately after surgery. However, prolonged swelling and redness -- especially combined with pain -- could be a sign of infection. If any of these symptoms are extreme or persist for a long period after surgery, contact your doctor.


What Foods Should I Not Eat After Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes fat from selected body areas. It is commonly performed on the abdomen, thighs, arms, buttocks and hips. Although liposuction is not a weight-loss solution, it is an option to remove centralized fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise. Depending on your physician's dietary recommendations, you should not consume certain foods after liposuction.

Saturated Fat

Avoid fried food.
Consuming a diet high in saturated fat immediately the following liposuction is not recommended, notes Dr. Tolbert Wilkinson in "Atlas of Liposuction." Large amounts of this type of fat are commonly found in fast food, fried foods, baked goods, fatty meats and full-fat dairy products. You should also avoid processed foods, which contain unhealthy trans fats as well. Instead, adjust your regular diet to include healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat sources of protein such as lean meats, fish and legumes, to promote healing and to maintain your new look.

Salty Foods

Refrain from eating salty food.
Salty foods are not recommended for during post-operative recovery. High levels of sodium can promote inflammation in your body and slow the healing process. You should limit or restrict salt for at least 2 to 4 months following liposuction surgery. Instead of using salt, try incorporating herbs and spices, such as onions, garlic cloves, cinnamon, dried basil, oregano and parsley, into your meal plan.

Sugary Foods

Sugary foods like cake should be limited.
You should limit or restrict the consumption of sugary foods after liposuction. Consuming sugary foods following this surgery can result in unnecessary weight gain during the healing process. Most sugary foods also contain low amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are important during the recovery process.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol is not permitted.
You should not consume alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine and liquor, for 24 hours after your liposuction surgery, according to the North Dallas Plastic Surgery Center. Depending on your physician's recommendations, you may need to limit or restrict your alcohol consumption longer since prescription medications can negatively interact with alcoholic beverages. Because fluid intake is important during the healing process, drink lots of water, natural fruit juices and herbal teas.

Source: https://denefits.wordpress.com/2018/08/14/what-foods-should-i-not-eat-after-liposuction/


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