Breast augmentation is one of the most common and popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the country. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 307,000 women had breast implants placed in 2011. Of course, all of these surgical cases were different and the women chose the procedure for a variety of reasons. However, most breast augmentation patients choose implants for at least one of the following reasons:
1. They want to boost their self-esteem

2. They have disproportionately small breasts

3. One breast is larger than the other

4. They have recently lost weight

5. Their breasts changed shape following pregnancy

6. They have had a mastectomy

7. They want to boost their sex life

8. They want to look younger

9. Their clothes will fit better

10. They are confident about their decision

If you are considering breast augmentation for these or other reasons, contact an experienced plastic surgeon in your area. Use the Denefits’ network to find an experienced doctor near you.